“The stone work is amazing! How did you know how to do all of this?”
It is, isn’t it!??
Our first hire for finishes were stone masons out of Montana who were looking to do their last job and then retire to watch the elk meander through their front yard in their secluded mountain home. Fiona and Bob Henderson, and their son Alec of Stonecutters began by installing the Connecticut Blue Stone in the great room and outdoor patio. Fiona is a beautiful lady from Scotland with a slight brogue who guided many of our decisions to authenticize (is that a word?) the castle look. The enormous slabs of Connecticut Blue Stone inside, and sandstone on the outdoor patios, with large grout lines, mimic ancient European structures and are almost indestructible – except to wax spills. Fiona herself not only supervised the work on the floors, walls, patios and balustrades, but she strapped on her knee pads and worked alongside her son Alec for much of the initial installations. Stonecutters installed 90% of what you see inside and outside of the Chateau and its grounds, with the exception being the stonework and cobblestone in the front motor court (another story), the moat, and the stone and brick wall on the northwest corner of the house. Another brilliant stone mason, Sam Clark, took over where Stonecutters left off on the exterior grounds. The cobblestone in the front motor court and Kirk Road entry was all sourced, designed and laid by John.
The other unique and beautiful flooring feature is in the main kitchen. Bob and Fiona, who are avid hikers, discovered a dry creek bed somewhere in the terrain near their home. Being rockhounds, of course, they noticed several unique boulders and identified them as a type of jade. Over time they hauled the boulders to their property and stored them there, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use them on a project. As we were exploring indestructible, easy-upkeep options for the kitchen flooring, Fiona presented us with samples of the jade, and we couldn’t believe our luck! Could there be a more beautiful floor anywhere?
Fiona grew up in the shadow of a medieval Scottish castle so she was intimately connected to the type of stone we should use in the various rooms, as well as how it should be applied for that Old World feel. She personally trained and directed the application of the limestone “coins” you see around the doors and windows, the surround of the formal dining room opening, and the perfect use of big and small pieces you see all over the walls, particularly on the turret staircase. She and Bob and Alec actually invented special applications for our Chateau to produce an authentic look throughout, and also to make the floors extremely durable and easy to keep up. Fiona and Bob’s attention to detail was another level, and we owe much of the success of the main floor and outdoor spaces to their genius. Alec even hand-tooled the limestone sink in the medieval suite bathroom, and the limestone toilet-topper in the Roman suit to look just like something out of an ancient Roman bath!
Today, Stonecutters is not longer operating, but their masterpiece will live on at the Chateau de Lis. We are so proud to showcase their work to so many admiring patrons.